
 to begin? 

Perioral Dermatitis

No more late night google searches and no more waiting for yet another Doc or Dermatologist visit!

Picture this for a moment…    

You’re about to head out of the house to a friends dinner party with your favourite gold earrings on, bag in hand, and you decide to do one last mirror check.

Your reflection makes you pause for a moment, because it’s been many months since you felt comfortable leaving the house without some form of foundation on. Your skin is glowing and supple, and there isn’t a hint of redness, flakiness or bumps.

Just a few months ago you were dealing with flareup after flareup, with no clear picture of what was triggering them. You felt so incredibly defeated and lost, until you decided enough was enough—you were ready to get some support.

Now, you’re about to walk out the door to a dinner party that beforehand, you would have likely cancelled (or tried covering the flare with makeup that often just irritated it more).

You definitely had moments of doubt, “Will this even work for me? I feel like I’ve tried everything”.

But now you exude a confidence that had felt lost for quite some time, and there’s a glow that truly seems to come from within.

You feel proud and at peace, knowing that you now have the tools to keep your skin clear and healthy.

You feel like yourself again.

The In Bloom 1 on 1 Program



1 on 1 perioral dermatitis

A complete 3 month 1 on 1 customized PD program where Zoe holds your hand through the entire healing process! You first receive The PD Protocol online course (which must be finished prior to the initial consultation, takes around 2 1/2 hours to complete), and then you and Zoe do a dive deep into your health history together in your hour long initial consultation via Zoom. Afterwards Zoe creates a completely customized program for you. From there, you get 2 follow up appointments and 3 months of unlimited support during work hours via email, text and voice messages via WhatsApp.

Whether you only have PD, or you also may have another skin condition like acne or rosacea, Zoe has the expertise to also address other skin presentations so that you don’t have to see multiple practitioners! Let her help you achieve your skin goals!

If you have any questions about the In Bloom programs, please don’t hesitate to reach out! Feel free to send me an email, OR reach out to me on Instagram @wellbeinginbloom (this way Zoe can send you voice notes!)

  • 1x 60 minute session

  • 2x 30 minute follow ups

  • The PD Protocol online course

  • Customized program including:

  • Diet and supplement recommendations

  • Skincare recommendations

  • Lifestyle recommendations

  • Mindset work

  • Nourishing recipes

  • Meal ideas

  • 1 week customized meal plan

  • 3 months unlimited support via email, text and voice messages

    * please note that perioral dermatitis is a complex skin condition, therefore time frames for healing can never be guaranteed. Each individuals healing journey is unique.

Just 1 month into the In Bloom Program!

Kind Words

The Investment

Other Services

  • 1 on 1 support for children

    1 on 1 support for children with PD,
    ranging from babies to pre teens.

  • Discounted 1 on 1 sessions for students of the pd protocol

    Discounted hour long initial consultations and 30 minute
    “Pick My Brain” sessions for any student of The PD Protocol.