
 I’m Zoe 

Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Perioral Dermatitis Specialist

I didn’t come into this profession randomly, let me tell you…Gut issues, hormonal cystic acne and Perioral Dermatitis were just some of struggles I had to overcome to bring me to where I am now!

I can say with confidence, though, that I wouldn’t take any of it back. Might sound crazy to you, but I am being 1000% honest! Because I now get to help women all over the world clear their skin and regain their confidence that had been, for many, lost for decades. I too was that girl once. If you’d like to know more about my story, continue on, my love!

Let’s go back to the beginning    

Ever since puberty, I dealt with “skin stuff”…and in my mid 20’s, severe perioral dermatitis was added to the mix. Yes I tried allll the lotions and potions and antibiotics first because there was barely any helpful information out there on the internet (maybe you can relate?!). But those didn’t help, and mostly just ended up making matters worse.

So I really had to look deep within, and ask myself, what was truly going on beneath the surface? I started devoting most of my free time to learning everything I could about this poorly understood condition. There was no leaf left unturned. I dove deep, let me tell you!

      Before / After     

Where I am today!

It took time and some trial and error, but soon I was able to figure out the root causes of my perioral dermatitis, and felt quite literally like a new woman. I don’t think I had ever felt that good in my life! Now, as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Perioral Dermatitis Specialist, I get to help women all around the world heal their skin through my holistic programs and courses, and I couldn’t be more grateful for the journey as it has brought me to where I am today.

If you’re currently struggling with perioral dermatitis and have been starting to feel hopeless after failed attempts to heal (whether through the pharmaceautical route or not!), I’m just so glad you’ve found your way here. Know that you can absolutely heal PD with a completely holistic approach, and quite literally feel the best you have in years!


Let’s Chat!

Got a question, my love?

Whether it’s about working together 1 on 1, my online courses or you just need someone to chat to about PD, I’m your girl.