5 Signs You May Be Over Washing Your Face


Oh I have been there, gals! I was a chronic overwasher. I thought “clean” skin was the way I was going to heal my acne.

I was SO wrong.

Our skin is actually better off being a little bit dirrrrty. And by dirty I mean that we WANT to have bacteria on our skin, and lots of it (the good kind, that is) and overwashing our face can lead to a decrease in this good bacteria. 

It also creates irritation and less of a chance for our skin to heal. When our skin is constantly being washed and scrubbed it breaks down it's protective layer and can lead to microscopic cuts and abrasions, allowing harmful pathogens to enter our skin and wreak havoc. This in turn can lead to red + inflamed rashes, an over production of sebum (oil), worsened acne, and an overall rough texture.

Below are 5 signs that you may be overwashing your face...

1 .Your skin is red and inflamed

2. You have perioral dermatitis or other inflammatory rash

3. You have acne

4. Your skin feels rough to the touch

5. Your skin is very oily, yet dry + flakey

Are you currently experiencing any of these?
If so, you may benefit from adopting a more gentle skin care routine...

I personally only wash my face with a gentle cleanser in the evening, while just splashing my face a few times with warm water in the morning. I like to use nourishing serums, lotions and creams to help keep my skin plump and hydrated.

I also like to use exfoliating acid such as lactic acid or mandelic acid. These really help to keep my skin free of congestion and flakiness. I use these topical acids over physical exfoliators (scrubs) as they will not break the skin and lead to irritation. Of course, if you are noticing irritation even from these gentler acids then it may be best to steer clear of them all together.

No longer are the days of using harsh acne cleansers! *cough* Proactiv...

Instead I like gentle oil, gel and milk cleansers that are designed for most sensitive skin. Remember, our skin needs bacteria to be healthy and resilient, so covering it with tons of harsh chemicals and antibacterial creams and washes will not help the problem.

Using a soft + gentle face cloth made of natural fibres like bamboo, hemp or organic cotton can be great to take off makeup or a face mask. Just be careful not to scrub, but rather gently wipe or move in a slow, light circular motion.

Our skin is a delicate ecosystem that needs to be taken care of with a gentle touch and minimal, non-toxic products. When we do this, we can see amazing changes.

With love,



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