4 Foods I eat (Almost) Daily For A Happy Gut


1. Fermented Foods

I have grown to become a huge fermented foods lover, so much so that I could probably consume them in just about every meal. I take a little apple cider vinegar every morning with water to boost my stomach acid and kickstart digestion, consume sauerkrautkimchi and miso with my savoury meals, and coconut yoghurt with breakfast or dessert (actually I also use it on spicy curries too!) I also love making my own kombucha, but I just haven’t been as of lately.

Remember when purchasing any fermented foods that they are RAW and UNPASTEURIZED. If they do not say these words, or they are sitting on a shelf, unrefrigerated, they no longer contain the living organisms and their metabolites that keep your gut healthy! Also keep in mind that cooking fermented foods will also kill the live probiotics, so try to eat them raw or cooked on a very low heat.

2. Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3’s have amazing anti-inflammatory super powers. They have the ability to calm inflammation in the gut by increasing bacteria that have been shown to produce anti-inflammatory chemicals called short-chain fatty acids. I eat a large variety of foods that contain omega 3’s like flax, hemp and chia seeds in smoothies, on toast or salads. I also consume wild cold water fatty fish like salmon or herring. I’ll typically have these in canned form as their super affordable and convenient! Just make sure you are purchasing wild fish, as farmed contain far less of these fatty acids (among other reasons).

3. Leafy Greens

I wouldn’t say I consume raw leafy greens alllll year, sometimes in the dead of the winter it is not something my body craves. But I will, however, typically consume greens powders with lemon water if I’m not in the mood for raw greens (it’s not that bad I promise) and I love braised greens like chard and kale. I really like to have a variety of greens in my fridge at all times so that I can quickly add them to avocado toasts, eggs or whenever I just want a big salad. My favourite kinds are typically bitter and/or spicy, like arugula, mustard and dandelion. But, I also like to have spinach and other baby greens on hand as well. This way I’m getting a variety of flavour and nutritional benefits!

4. Antioxidants

I drink a matcha or cacao elixir every morning, which is absolutely full of antioxidants. The way antioxidants help keep your gut healthy is by maintaining cellular repair, aka keeping the cells of your gut healthy and strong. Both matcha and cacao are particularly rich in antioxidants called polyphenols. These have shown in studies to actually feed our good bacteria. Thats right – they use these as food and what ends up getting produced are metabolites that are actually protective to our gut wall!

Love to you all!



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